Butter Me Up: Beginner’s Guide to Making Butter

During my cooking journey, I have begun to obsess with making everything from scratch, and I mean everything down to the butter. I just realized how simple this process was, not to mention how much easier it is if you have access to a stand mixer.

Butter Me Up: Beginner’s Guide to Making Butter


Yields: 1 cup butter and 1 cup buttermilk
102 calories per tbsp of butter
99 calories per 1 cup buttermilk
Cook Time: 30m


2 cups heavy cream


Step 1:
Start by pouring the heavy cream into the mixer bowl and turning the mixer on to medium-high speed. After a few minutes, the cream will thicken and form peaks. Keep mixing until the cream separates into butter and buttermilk. This will take about 15-25 minutes, depending on the speed and power of your mixer.

Step 2:
Once the butter has formed, stop the mixer and pour off the buttermilk. Save the buttermilk for another use (such as baking) and rinse the butter under cold water until the water runs clear. Drain off any excess liquid and use a spoon or spatula to press out any remaining buttermilk.

Step 3:
If desired, you can flavour the butter with herbs, spices, or other ingredients. Mix in the desired seasonings and refrigerate the butter until ready to use. Homemade butter will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Making homemade butter is not the most financially responsible solution to buying it store-bought, but I recommend trying it once, if nothing else, for bragging rights. Be sure to try your fresh butter on some homemade bread!

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