Grilled Cheese 101: The Perfect Sandwich

Grilled cheese, it’s not just for kids. Why should this sandwich expire just because we are “adults?” The not-so-secret to a great grilled cheese is in the bread and cheese; obviously, I know. Give this a try with my homemade bread, and feel free to add in your favourite cheeses to customize this to your specific taste. I enjoy a sharp old cheddar with the nuttiness of Jarsburg and the buttery flavour of Emmental, but hey, I’m not the boss of you.

Grilled Cheese 101: The Perfect Sandwich


Yields one sandwich
1158 calories per sandwich
Prep Time: 5m
Cook Time: 15m

Grilled Cheese

2 tbsp of butter
2 slices of bread
1/4 cup old Cheddar shredded
1/4 cup Jarsburg shredded
1/4 cup Emmental shredded
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella


Step 1:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Melt butter on medium heat in a large, nonstick, oven-safe pan.

Step 2:
Place the two slices of bread in the pan. As the butter and bread are both browning, generously sprinkle the cheese mixture over the bread. If some of the cheese falls to the pan, leave it!

Step 3:
After about five mins, place the pan into the oven and allow the cheese to brown slightly on the edges for about 5-6 mins.

Step 4:
Remove the pan from the oven, and carefully place one slice of bread onto the other, cheese sides in. Remove the sandwich from the pan and transfer it to a cutting board, be sure to include the fried bits of cheese that may have fallen off during the cheese placement.

Step 5:
Slice the sandwich in half and serve while the cheese is still ooey and gooey.

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