You’re The Bun That I Want: Your New Go To Recipe

You won’t find buns like these at the grocery store. Perfect size, buttery, soft, chewy, shiny, sweet… should I go on? Forget impressing your friends or family; these buns will impress you. Elevate your next burger, pulled pork or chicken sandwich, and you won’t be sorry!

You’re The Bun That I Want: Your New Go To Recipe


Yields 6 Buns
631 Calories per bun
Prep Time: 4h 15m
Bake Time: 18m


2 tbsp bread flour
2 tbsp water
4 tbsp whole milk


1/2 cup water – warmed
1/2 cup whole milk – warmed
1 tbsp instant yeast
2.5 cups bread flour
1 tsp sea salt
2.5 tbsp granulated sugar
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
4 tbsp unsalted butter, softened

Egg Wash:

1 whole egg
1 tbsp whole milk


Step 1:
First, we need to create the Tangzhong. Combine all ingredients in a small pan over medium heat and constantly whisk until it forms past. It will happen quickly. Remove from heat and set aside. 

Step 2:
Mix warm water and milk, add instant yeast and give a stir. Let sit until the yeast mixture becomes foamy.

Step 3:
Add the dry ingredients to a stand mixer bowl (or you can do this by hand). While continuing to mix, slowly add in the yeast mixture. Next, add the Tangzhong. The dough will start to form. Once that happens, add the egg and egg yolk. Once all incorporated, add butter, 1 tbsp at a time until it is mixed in, this will take some time, but it will all come together.

Step 4:
Fold the dough into a ball and place seam-side down in a lightly greased bowl. Cover with a damp towel and proof for 1 – 1.5 hours.

Step 5:
Punch the dough and then transfer it to a floured work surface. Divide dough into six even pieces around 95 – 105 g. If you have a scale, I suggest weighing your dough as a whole, then dividing by six to get as much consistency as possible.

Step 6:
With each ball, pull the outside under to create a taught dough ball. Using the palm of your hand, roll the ball seam-side down, maintaining constant contact with the work surface.

Step 7:
Place each ball onto a lined and greased baking sheet, leaving room between each ball. Cover with a towel, and let rise for 2 hours or until doubled.

Step 8:
Lastly, brush each bun with egg wash and bake at 375 for 18 minutes until golden brown. Pair these buns with our Pulled Pork!

Tangzhong is a Japanese bread-making technique that involves creating a roux-like mixture of flour and liquid, typically water and/or milk, which is added to the bread dough. This technique creates a softer, fluffier texture and prolongs the bread’s shelf life.

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